29 Classic New Year Dishes, Ranked From Ho-Ho-Horrible To Fa-La-La-Fabulous

Classic Dishes

If you ask us, the holidays can’t come early. So to usher in the most wonderful time of the year as soon as possible, we’re planning all the classic new year treats and dishes we can. 

Specifically, these 29 classic dishes, ranked from basically intolerable to simply divine. Now, let’s find out how your favorite (and most hated) holiday treats turn out.

Now Let’s Find Out Your Favorite Dish

1. Fruit Cake

Less like a cake, and more like a doorstop. Anyway, try it

2. Picture Pudding

TBH, we want nothing to do with a domed dessert that doesn’t melt melted chocolate. Anyway, try it

3. Ribbon Candy

We can’t afford to wallow in these things – too many better things to eat. Anyway, try it

4. Salad (assorted)

Look, we have nothing against green here and there. But at Christmas? What is the amateur hour? Anyway, try it

5. Boiled Carrots

Not accepted for ages 11 months to 97 years. Anyway, try it

6. Meat Pie

Interesting facts: “Minced meat” is not meat at all but a mixture of dried fruits and spices. Fun fact aside, we can’t wait to taste this British delicacy. Anyway, try it

7. Cookies

It’s cookie season. And they’re definitely not cookies. Anyway, try it

8. Eggnog Flavored Pie

One of the best classic dishes of all the holiday flavors to dip into cookies, yogurt, and keto protein bars, would you choose eggnog? Nice try, supermarket. Anyway, try it

9. Mixed Nuts

Cut the crystal bowl. The only way we look at mixed nuts at Christmas is if they’re on a cheese plate. Anyway, try it

10. Yule’s Diary

Of course, it’s basically a chocolate sponge cake. But he has no advantage with that name. Anyway, try it

11. Egg Wine

Festive, but a taste to be. We will provide credit when credit is due: Alcohol helps. Anyway, try it

12. Candy Sticks

Unless they are removed, they are supposed to be more decorative than anything else. Anyway, try it

13. Cold Meat

The most polarizing of all meats. We’ll give it a solid ehhh. Anyway, try it

14. Gingerbread Man

Satisfactory, but largely overplayed. (They’re pretty cute, though.) Anyway, try it

15. Turkey

Reasonable choice, but a bit redundant right after Thanksgiving. Anyway, try it

16. Cushion

Read all the given and combine all of the dishes to present for your new year party. Anyway, try it

17. Canned Cranberry Sauce

It’s better than doing it yourself. (There, we said it.) But we’re still not sure if we really love cranberry sauce…or just crave it. Anyway, try it

18. M&M for Gingerbread House

Sorry, we ate the doorknob. And shingles…Try it

19. Dumplings

Like this actress who always plays the best friend whose name you’ll never remember: friendly and reliable.

20. Stewed Green Beans

Fried onions from the box never cease to delight (even if we eat them for a whole month in a row). Try it

21. Pheasant

Oh, you feel like it, huh? Try it

22. Pecan Pie

The filling is greasy, the crust is spongy, and the nuts are sweet, so it’s worth your future tooth decay. Try it

23. Grilled Beef

Turkey who? Sorry, we were distracted by the herb-covered look of this gentle hand. It never fails to impress (and it’s much less difficult than a whole bird). Try it

24. Marshmallows

Chocolate, vanilla, caramel. We’re not picky when it comes to this luxurious dessert. Try it

25. Sauce

Dare we say that the sauce is almost better than what’s underneath? Try it

26. Hot Cocoa

It is unlike coffee soft, creamy, pleasant, and has the taste of childhood. Skip the sugar cookies so we can soak. Try it

27. Baked Potato

Potatoes cook in fat for hours. ‘ said Nuff. Try it

28. Mashed Potatoes

Well, we’ve sorted the potatoes back. Go with it. Try it

29. Mint Pods

Give us mint. In fact, give us the whole damn jungle. Bow before the reigning king.

29 Classic New Year Dishes, Ranked From Ho-Ho-Horrible To Fa-La-La-Fabulous