A Comprehensive Guide To Coffee And Caffeine Consumption

Coffee And Caffeine

One of the few things on the planet that makes getting up in the morning bearable and provides us with the “liquid bravery” (the other sort) we need to face the day is coffee and caffeine.

The first step is simply a cup of coffee in the morning. This “health potion” can be consumed several times during the day to keep you going. When you have lunch breaks to look forward to, neither professional responsibilities nor household duties seem excessively dull or laborious.

But you start to question whether coffee and caffeine are the best catalysts to get you through the day, regardless of whether you are one of the 29% of Americans who consume two cups of coffee a day or one in ten who need six or more every day.

Is Coffee Good For You?

Simply said. Don’t rely on our “word,” though. Numerous research has been done on the subject, and it has been found that drinking coffee is not only not harmful to your health but also offers several advantages.

Regular coffee drinking poses essentially little risk unless you are overindulging (yes, there is an adequate measure) or has certain pre-existing conditions. It might be wise to address some common misconceptions about coffee and caffeine before talking about the actual health advantages of coffee.

Misconceptions Regarding The Usage Of Coffee and Caffeine

There are several widespread myths about coffee, many of which relate to caffeine, which is a key component of coffee. Therefore, if you only drink decaf, you might want to skip to the section on the advantages of coffee.

  • The idea that coffee induces dehydration is a myth with a trace of truth. Coffee is a mild diuretic, which means it causes your body to urinate more frequently. However, the volume of water in each cup of coffee more than makes up for it.
  • One of the health myths about coffee that is most likely to be true is that it promotes insomnia, as most people drink it for this very reason.
  • Another myth about coffee that has been debunked numerous times is that it is unhealthy for the heart.
  • Coffee is addictive. Although this misconception is real, it is not as harmful as it may seem. Because coffee is biologically addicting, you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

Health Advantages Of (Moderate) Coffee Intake

Coffee consumption has several health advantages. A positive mood, which is essential to both individual and collective mental health, is one real, palpable health benefit. See how quickly the atmosphere in the office shifts if you remove the coffee maker from the room and limit coffee runs.

Coffee and caffeine are a stimulant, albeit mild one, that makes you more awake and stimulates your mind. After a cup of coffee, you might feel more “up for the job,” regardless of whether there is a pile of laundry at home or paperwork at the office.

How Much Coffee Should You Consume Each Day?

You can calculate both the number of cups and the amount of coffee and caffeine if you’re looking for the best amount of coffee to consume without experiencing any negative side effects.

Since there are so many different types of coffee, the latter is more accurate but also less useful because few people are aware of how much caffeine is in a regular cup of coffee.

However, some other elements, such as the kind of coffee roast you’re using, can also affect how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee. 

Also, read our article “Trends to watch in food and beverages in 2022“.

Coffee Bean Varieties and Roasts

Although coffee is nutritious, there are certain ways to make it even healthier (related to both preparation and consumption).

There are four officially recognized species of coffee beans, each having distinct qualities (aroma, flavor, richness, etc.). Not all coffee beans, though, are easily accessible.

  • Arabica – About 60% of the world’s supply of coffee comes from Arabica beans. They are readily available and have a mild to nonexistent bitter flavor.
  • Robusta – Robusta is the species of coffee bean that ranks second in terms of availability. It originates from a resilient plant that can survive in a wide range of rather harsher settings and doesn’t require much altitude.
  • Liberica – This particular coffee bean, which is native to Liberia in West Africa, is nearly unheard of in the North American coffee market.

Excelsa – This is another low-caffeine choice and is primarily grown in Southeast Asia. It was previously classed as a different species of coffee bean, but this has recently changed to the Liberica subspecies.

A Comprehensive Guide To Coffee And Caffeine Consumption