10 Must-Try Food and Beverages Before You Die

Food and Beverages

Our world is a giant, delicious kitchen! There are so many amazing Food and Beverages to try, from sweet treats to yummy snacks and everything in between. This list is like a passport to a yummy town, with 10 must-try foods and beverages from all over the world that will take your taste buds on a flavor adventure!

1. Pizza! The melty-cheesy food and beverage!

  • Imagine warm, fluffy bread piled high with your favorite toppings – gooey cheese, tangy tomato sauce, pepperoni, veggies, or whatever makes your tummy happy!
  • This yummy dish comes from Italy, but people love it globally.
  • Fun Fact: Did you know that the first official pizzeria opened in Naples, Italy, in 1830?

2. Sushi: A Japanese work of art (that you can eat!)

  • Fresh fish, yummy rice, and seaweed wrapped up in a bite-sized package – that’s sushi!
  • It may look fancy, but it’s a fun food you can eat with your hands (or chopsticks, if you’re feeling fancy).
  • Sushi comes in all sorts of flavors, with different types of fish, vegetables, and even eggs!
  • Tip: If you’re new to sushi, try a California roll – it’s usually made with cucumber, avocado, and imitation crab, so it has a mild flavor.

3. Tacos: A taste of Mexico in every bite!

  • Warm tortillas filled with yummy things like seasoned ground beef, chicken, beans, cheese, and all the toppings you can imagine – that’s a taco!
  • Tacos are a fun and festive food that’s perfect for sharing with friends and family.
  • Mexico is famous for tacos, but you can find them all over the world with different fillings and toppings.
  • Fun Fact: There are many different types of tacos, but some of the most popular are al pastor (marinated pork), carne asada (grilled steak), and carnitas (slow-cooked pork).

4. Pad Thai: A symphony of sweet, savory, and spicy!

  • This delicious noodle dish comes from Thailand and is full of yummy flavors.
  • It’s usually made with stir-fried rice noodles, vegetables like bean sprouts and peanuts, scrambled egg, and your choice of protein like chicken, tofu, or shrimp.
  • Pad Thai is all about balance – a little bit sweet, a little bit savory, and sometimes a little bit spicy!
  • Tip: If you’re trying Pad Thai for the first time, ask for it “mai pet” which means “not spicy” if you don’t like spicy food.

5. Chocolate: The world’s most popular sweet treat!

  • From smooth and creamy milk chocolate to dark and rich bittersweet varieties, chocolate is a flavor that people all over the world love.
  • It comes in all shapes and sizes – bars, chips, cookies, cakes – the possibilities are endless!
  • Fun Fact: Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which grow on trees in hot and humid places like Africa, South America, and Asia.

6. Ice Cream: The perfect summer treat!

  • There’s nothing quite like a scoop (or two!) of ice cream on a hot day.
  • This cold and creamy treat comes in countless flavors, from classic vanilla and chocolate to fruity flavors like strawberry and mango, and even more adventurous options like mint chocolate chip or cookie dough.
  • Ice cream can be enjoyed in a cone, a bowl, or even sandwiched between two cookies in a yummy ice cream sandwich!

7. French Fries: The ultimate salty snack!

  • Crispy on the outside, and fluffy on the inside – french fries are a classic comfort food that’s perfect for satisfying your salty cravings.
  • They’re usually made from potatoes that are cut into thin strips, fried until golden brown, and then sprinkled with a little bit of salt.
  • French fries are delicious on their own, but they’re also perfect for dipping in ketchup, mustard, or your favorite dipping sauce.
  • Fun Fact: Did you know that there are museums dedicated to french fries in Belgium and Amsterdam?

8. Mango Lassi: A refreshing drink from Asia!

  • Made with blended mangoes, yogurt, sugar, and a touch of cardamom (a yummy spice), mango lassi is a sweet and tangy drink that’s perfect for cooling down on a hot day.
  • It’s thick and creamy like a smoothie, but not as sweet. The yogurt gives it a nice tangy flavor that balances out the sweetness of the mangoes.
  • Tip: If you can’t find fresh mangoes, you can also make mango lassi with frozen mango chunks.

9. Pho: A Vietnamese Noodle Soup Adventure!

  • Pronounced “fuh,” this delicious noodle soup is a national treasure in Vietnam.
  • It’s made with a flavorful broth, rice noodles, and your choice of protein like thin slices of beef, chicken, or shrimp.
  • Fresh herbs and bean sprouts are usually added on top, and you can customize your pho with a squeeze of lime, a dollop of chili sauce, or a sprinkle of hoisin sauce.
  • The beauty of pho is that it’s both comforting and healthy – the perfect meal for any time of day.

Bonus Tip: When you travel (or even order takeout!), try to learn a fun fact or two about the food or drink you’re trying.  It makes the experience even more interesting!

10. Churros: The Sweet & Golden Treat from Spain!

Imagine long, golden fingers of fried dough dusted with cinnamon sugar – that’s a churro! This crispy and sweet treat is a popular snack in Spain and Latin America, and it’s perfect for dipping in hot chocolate for an extra yummy flavor explosion.

  • Churros are usually made with a simple dough of flour, water, butter, and a pinch of salt. They’re then piped into a long, star-shaped form and fried until golden brown. Once they’re out of the fryer, they’re coated in a generous amount of cinnamon sugar, making them irresistible!
  • Churros are traditionally enjoyed for breakfast or as a marina, which is like an afternoon snack. But they’re also a popular treat at fairs and festivals.
  • Fun Fact: The exact origin of churros is a bit of a mystery, but some people believe they were brought to Spain by Portuguese explorers who had encountered similar fried pastries in China.

Wrap Up 

There you have it! This list is just a starting point for your yummy world adventure.  There are so many other amazing foods and drinks to explore from all over the globe.  So next time you’re feeling adventurous, be brave and try something new! Your taste buds will thank you!

10 Must-Try Food and Beverages Before You Die