Why Reading To A Toddler Is Important

Toddler Reading Is Important

It’s never too soon to introduce your baby to the magic of books, even if they can’t grasp a book or recognize the alphabetic letters. Toddler Reading is important and gives them the foundation they need for language learning as well as the resources they need for emotional and social development.

Additionally, according to a 2019 study, daily reading to babies exposes them to roughly 78,000 words annually. This means that children who are read from birth to age five are subjected to 1.4 million words during story time. It is one of the easiest techniques for parents to support the language development of their children.

Here is everything you need to know about reading to your child, from how to start to why it’s so important.

Why Is It Important To Read To Your Baby?

Numerous factors contribute to your baby’s growth when you read to them. You’re fostering a love of books and a desire for reading while also exposing your infant to a variety of sounds and words. Additionally, Toddler Reading is important to your child and aids them in learning about their surroundings and develops their imagination.

Your kid may not be able to talk yet, but that doesn’t imply they aren’t learning. According to Heather Turner, M.Ed., a literacy tutor and former high school English teacher with a literacy science certification, babies begin the arduous road of learning to speak from birth.

In the meanwhile, not reading to your child could have negative effects. In fact, according to Dr. Roberts, newborns who haven’t been read to are probably hearing fewer words and may be developing their language and speech skills more slowly.

Advantages Of Reading To A Toddler

Even though your kid won’t grasp all you say, reading has many positive effects on their brain. Following are a few perks of reading:

  • Gives your infant knowledge about their environment
  • Instructs them on the value of communication
  • Increases their language, listening, and memory skills and introduces concepts like numbers, alphabet, hues, and shapes to children.

When To Start Reading

According to Dr. Roberts, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises reading to your infant as soon as they are born so they may become accustomed to and identify your voice. Infants can detect the tones and patterns even though they cannot grasp what you are reading. Furthermore, she explains, they find comfort in your voice.

You should strive to read as soon as you have time in your schedule to do so. But try not to worry if you didn’t learn to read from infancy. Turner and Dr. Roberts both believe that it is never too early to start reading to your child. Your infant will gain from you reading to them as often as you can.

If you have more than one child, reading to a toddler is a wonderful method that involves them all at once. Allow your older kids to choose which books to read while your little one is still a baby. Everyone can snuggle and get to know the new baby while reading.

How Frequently Do You Read To Your Child?

The idea of reading to your infant might be intimidating for new parents, especially if you are exhausted from caring for your infant nonstop. Consider reading, though, as a chance to relax and unwind with your child rather than as another task to cross off your list.

Toddler Reading is important and setting reading times can aid in routine-building for your infant and in helping you remember to read. Having your favorite books in easily accessible locations where you are likely to read in a relaxed environment is also helpful because parents have a lot on their plates.

Also, read our article “Simple steps to teaching your kids to read English“.

Reading Advice

The following general advice will enable you to get the most out of your reading to a toddler:

  • While you read, cuddle with your infant; it will make them feel secure and attached to you.
  • When applicable, employ an expressive voice; alternatively, use a separate voice for each character.
  • Stop, comment on the images or texts, and point out details to your child.
  • Create a dedicated reading area with books nearby, such as a large, comfortable chair.
  • During reading time, turn off the television and put the phone on silent.
  • Follow the interests of your child. It won’t be difficult to determine which books your child enjoys, so don’t be hesitant to read them repeatedly.
Why Reading To A Toddler Is Important