Is Renting Always Cheaper?

Home Ownership

If you just look at monthly costs, home ownership often leans on the expensive side, since you have to pay maintenance, taxes, and home insurance on top of your mortgage. renting an apartment can be much cheaper if you live in a market where house prices are very expensive (we’re looking at you, San Francisco).

But there Is A Tipping Point:

If you rent for decades, you may end up paying more than if you just bought a home. This is because a home’s down payment will stay the same while the rent goes up (unless you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, in which case your mortgage will also go up). ). So if you’re going to be staying long term, it’s best to buy, especially when you’re paying for a home upfront.

Am I Ready To Buy A House?

Before buying a house, you need to make sure that your financial situation is stable. It starts with getting out of debt. Then save an emergency fund for 3-6 months of expenses, then start saving for a down payment.

For first-time homebuyers, we recommend a minimum of 5-10% upfront on a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage. (Avoid FHA and VA loans.) If you can save 20% upfront, you won’t have to pay for private mortgage insurance (PMI), which could save you several hundred dollars. la every month. When deciding what you can spend on a home, make sure that your mortgage payment (including principal, interest, property taxes, home insurance, PMI fees, and HOA) will equal to or less than 25% of your net salary.

Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy A House

We talk to a lot of homebuyers, and sadly, a lot of them regret buying for the wrong reason. Here are some reasons not to buy a home.

It’s A “Big” Deal

You’ve found the perfect home ownership and the actual sellers are giving it away. Even though Sallie Mae is still holding your wallet, you would be stupid to walk away, wouldn’t you? Fake! With real estate, it’s better to buy the right house at the right time, not just buy a house based on the market. When you do this, you run the risk of ending up with a home you really can’t afford.

Have a little patience. And remember, haggling is like the bus:

Another one will be coming soon.

You Feel Pressure

Many homebuyers in their 20s and 30s feel a lot of pressure to buy a home because they think it’s the “adult” thing to do. The truth is, taking control of your money is the most mature thing you can do.

So if you’re 25 and feel it’s too late to buy a home, relax. Don’t rush into a big purchase just because broken friends (or broken family) keep telling you you should. Real adults know that home ownership is not the most profitable choice in every situation.

It is much smarter to wait to buy when you are financially ready. And believe us, no one regrets waiting until they are ready for anything, especially a home.

You Plan To Move House In The Next Few Years

And at the same time, it doesn’t make any sense to buy home ownership if you know you’ll be moving for work or family reasons in the next year or two. Make sure you’re really ready to root before you buy.

Three Times You Should Praise

Very quickly, let’s make something clear. Renting is not a waste of money. Of course, you give your money to the owner. But you pay to live somewhere. And as long as you are paying for the accommodation, your money will be well spent.

While we don’t recommend renting an apartment as a way of long-term living, there are some situations where renting is better than buying.

You Pay Off Your Debt.

If you have student loans, credit card bills, or any other debt to pay, consider your apartment where you stand still. You can hang around there with your cheap renter insurance, letting the landlord pay for all the maintenance, while you pay off that debt.

If rent is taking up too much of your paycheck, find a cheaper apartment where you have a better chance of getting out of debt and saving money. 

Prerequisite To Travel As Part Of Your Job.

If you’re serving in the military or don’t plan on staying long in an area, renting an apartment makes more sense. In most areas, you’ll need to keep a home for two to three years for the sale to be worthwhile.

Spare Time For Planning.

Buying a home is a long-term commitment. As in any relationship, you are acting on impulse is never a wise decision. So if you’re newly married, just graduated from college, or don’t know what neighborhood you want to live in, the smartest thing you can do is rent a house for a while. We recommend waiting at least a year so you have time to decide how close you are to your in-laws. 

Buy or rent? Deciding whether or not to buy a home is not an easy choice. That’s why you should partner with an expert who can help you navigate your options.

We only endorse the best agents in your area, so you can trust your ELP to negotiate the best deal on the right home for you.

Is Renting Always Cheaper?