Toddler Sleep, What To Expect – Suitable For Ages 1 To 3

Toddler sleep

Common toddler sleep problems include difficulty falling asleep and not wanting to stay in bed at bedtime. A positive bedtime routine helps your toddler prepare for sleep.

What Do You Want To Know?

Toddlers develop rapidly and their sleep changes a lot at this age. For example, it may seem like your toddler has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping through the night at least once in a while. And toddlers love to test their independence, so putting them to bed in the first place can be a challenge.

When you spot signs of fatigue in your baby, you can put him to sleep before the growling starts. A firm and consistent bedtime routine will greatly help with the stability and sleep problems of many toddlers.

Understanding toddler sleep time and sleep patterns is an important starting point in helping your child develop healthy habits and positive attitudes toward sleep.

Toddler Sleep Schedule

For toddlers, a typical daily sleep routine is as follows.:

7 am: wake up

1 pm: nap for up to 2 hours

3 pm: wake up

7:30 pm: bedtime.

If your baby’s nap is too long or too late in the day, he or she may not be ready for bed until late at night. 

Toddler’s Bedtime Routine

A positive bedtime routine helps toddlers feel ready for bed and easier to settle into when they wake up at night. This is a good time as they sleep best between 8 pm and midnight. 

A bedtime routine might look like this:

7 pm: Brush teeth and change diapers

7:15 pm: quiet time (reading or telling stories)

7:30 pm: Go to bed and kiss good night.

Before you turn off the lights, it’s a good idea to do a quick check of your child’s room to ensure a safe sleeping environment. If your child finds a pacifier in bed, you might consider encouraging your child to drop the pacifier.

Call And Wake Up After Going To Bed

Your toddler may go through a phone call or get out of bed after you say good night.

Try these tips:

  1. Avoid noisy games before going to bed. This can make it harder for your child to settle down.
  2. Turn off televisions, computers, and tablets an hour before bed, and avoid letting your child watch scary or exciting things right before bedtime.
  3. Establish a consistent, calming bedtime routine.
  4. Before leaving your child’s room, check that your child has everything he or she needs. Remind your child to stay still in bed.

If your toddler shares a room with a sibling, you may need to delay the other child’s bedtime by half an hour until he or she has settled down and fallen asleep. If you’re firm and consistent, your toddler will quickly understand that bedtime is for sleep.

Check if your child really needs something when calling. If your child poops, change diapers when the lights are dim and not talking. If your child is afraid of the dark, consider using a night light. A dim light can help a toddler sleep well if he is afraid of the darkness.

Many toddlers have problems with settling and sleeping. But problems such as falling asleep and staying asleep can be more severe in children with autism. You can manage and overcome many sleep problems in children with autism using common behavioral strategies.

Toddler Nap

At 12 months, your little one can sleep twice a day, but by the age of three, they’re more likely to take only one nap or skip daytime naps altogether. You may find that the first nap lasts longer and later in the day as the second nap fades away.

You can encourage your child to nap by having a calm and consistent pre-nap routine. For example, you can sing a sweet song, give a hug, or read a story before taking a nap. You should also make sure that your little one naps during the day in their crib or bed. And if your child stops sleeping at naptime, you can try giving him a break at the same time each day.

A night of terror is when your child suddenly becomes very irritable while sleeping soundly. Night terrors may be scary for you, but they don’t harm your child and your child won’t remember them in the morning.

Some kids might develop night terrors due to sleep deprivation. If you think your child isn’t getting enough sleep, a positive bedtime routine can help.

A night terror usually lasts 10 to 15 minutes, but it can last longer than that. Go to the “big bed”

Most children move from a crib to a bed when they are about 2 or 3 years old. But there’s no rush, especially since some toddlers may try to get out of the big bed more often.

You may need to move your baby if she starts rolling out of bed or needs to use the potty at night. Or you may need a bed for your new baby.


Many children cringe at some point. Children usually won’t be woken up by their own teeth grinding – but others in the room can be! Teeth grinding is usually not harmful to a child’s teeth.

Get Help

Sleeping pills are often not the solution to children’s sleep problems – there are better ways to manage these difficulties. Children’s sleep problems are one of the most common reasons parents seek professional help. Your child’s sleep problems will be much easier to deal with with the support of a trusted child health professional.

Toddler Sleep, What To Expect – Suitable For Ages 1 To 3