Recommended Events and Function Dinner


Events And Function Dinner

Grilled Scallops With Citrus Corn Succotash (40 minutes).

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it: suitable for beginners, worthy of a special occasion, gluten-free

Scallops have something to do with special occasions, so it’s a pleasant surprise that they only require two minutes of cooking on each side (and are actually quite nutritious).

Moules-Frites (Steamed Mussels and French Fries) (30 minutes)

Commitment time:

30 minutes

Why we love it:

worthy of a special occasion, 30 minutes, a pan

We don’t know if Parisians eat mussels and chips at Events, but many people do. RECOGNIZE THE FORMAT

Chrissy Teigen’s Milanese Cheese Chicken (40 minutes)

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it:

fit for a special occasion, kid-friendly

Pan-fried chicken stuffed with rich cheese is the best idea for Events and parties. Serve it with thin strips of Parmesan cheese for a good measure.

Greek Chicken Rice Pan (40 minutes)

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it:

special occasion, beginner-friendly, gluten-free

Easy, pretty, and delicious are our three favorite food groups. There’s also feta, do I need to say more?

Grilled Whole Branzino With Minced Dill Salad (1 hour, 10 minutes)

Commitment time:

1 hour 10 minutes

Why we love it:

special occasion, crowd-worthy, beginner-friendly

Yes, you can (and should) grill the whole fish at home. Ask your supermarket fishmonger to clean the fish, so you just add citrus fruit and herbs.

Cannon Chicken Rice (35 minutes)

Commitment time:

35 minutes

Why we love it:

suitable for beginners, suitable for children, rich in protein

If you *definitely* have to eat takeaway on Events, prepare a meal with this easy and airy General Tso-inspired chicken dish. RECOGNIZE THE FORMAT

Bouillabaisse One Pot Cheater (30 minutes)

Commitment time:

30 minutes

Why we love it:

30 minutes, worthy of a special occasion

This Provençal seafood stew usually takes two hours to make, but we prove you can make it in less than half that time (and it’s just as delicious).

Cheater’s Beef Stroganoff (30 minutes)

Commitment time:

30 minutes

Why we love it:

30 minutes, crowd pleaser, suitable for a special occasion

By the time you pour yourself a glass of chilled red wine, dinner is ready on the table.

Maple Glazed Lamb Chops (40 minutes)

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it:

worthy for a special occasion, gluten-free, high in protein

We promise these lamb chops are as easy to prepare as chicken. Pomegranate Molasses Glaze is a sweet and sour cherry on top.

Pistachio Pork Loin With Apple And Jelly Salad (40 minutes)

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it:

Cake recipes, suitable for beginners, worthy of a special occasion

If you’re used to drying a boring pork tenderloin, you’re in for a treat. This dish is buttery and soft, and best of all, the whole meal is cooked on a single baking tray.

Cheese Plate With Grilled Grapes (30 minutes)

Commitment time:

30 minutes

Why we love it:

suitable for a special occasion, 30 minutes, vegetarian

If you can’t serve a cheese plate and call it Event dinner, when can you? 

Fried Cod With Orange And Swiss Chard (30 minutes)

Commitment time:

30 minutes

Why we love it:

special occasion, suitable for beginners

From fridge to table in 30 minutes is our new mantra. If you don’t like Swiss chard, try kale or broccoli instead.

Pork Cutlet With Lemon, Capers, And Radicchio (20 minutes)

Commitment time:

20 minutes

Why we love it:

30 minutes, suitable for beginners, worthy for a special occasion

A well-stocked pantry is all you really need for this quick cook dish. It’s as easy to make as chicken cutlets, but it’s fancy enough for a party.

Homemade Swedish Meatballs (40 minutes)

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it:

crowd-pleasing, kid-friendly

Hearty, comforting meatballs are always a good idea. These are best served on a layer of buttered mashed potatoes.

Pan-fried Steak With Beetroot And Crispy Kale (40 minutes)

Commitment time:

40 minutes

Why we love it:

baking sheet recipe, gluten-free, dairy-free

No fuss and no worries here – just a couple of juicy steaks, perfectly cooked, and virtually no cleanup. Real happiness.

Instant Carbonara Italian Rice (25 minutes)

Commitment time:

25 minutes

Why we love it:

30 minutes, Instant Pot recipe, worthy of a special occasion

Risotto is a classic Italian dish that takes time, patience, and care… until you make it in the Instant Pot in 25 minutes and then knock all your dinner guests out.

Cod Braised With Tomatoes And Herbs (25 minutes)

Commitment time:

25 minutes

Why we love it:

fit for a special occasion, 30 minutes, 10 ingredients

This simple yet elegant dish is based on canned tomatoes so it can be made any time of the year. (We heard that the big man from the north liked it.)



Recommended Events and Function Dinner